Sunday, 18 July 2010

Was Firaq bumming Nehru till Gandhi stuck his nose in?

"Firaq Gorakhpuri was said to have been 'advised' by Mahatma Gandhi to put an end to his close friendship with Panditji – after which, it is said, Firaq never wrote another nationalistic ghazal or nazm. Even assuming the tattle about Gandhiji’s interference to be true, it’s possible that the friendship was just that. But then, it doesn’t fit into our profile of Gandhiji: Why would he proscribe a cordial relationship between his lieutenant and a national poet?"
Read more of Varsha Bhosle's (daughter of the great singer Asha) amazing revelations here.

Gandhi was also blamed for preventing Nehru's sister- Vijaylaxmi from marrying a Muslim- what's next? The revelation that his intervention prevented Lady Irwin from eloping with her horse? I begin to see something very sinister behind the Godse conspiracy.

1 comment:

  1. Mahatma Gandhi enjoyed cordial relations with both Lord and Lady Irwin. It is not true that Lady Irwin sought to elope with a horse. Her husband, however, whom Hermann Goering called Halalifax (he having previously succeeded to the Vicountcy of Halifax) in tribute to his prowess on the hunting-field, was a great connoissuer of horseflesh.
    The H.R.H, the late Queen Mother, was often heard to remark on the astonishing resemblance between him and the winner of the 1978 Epsom Derby, Shirley Heights, owned by the second Earl, whom he is now widely acknowledged to have sired.
