Friday, 10 January 2014

Ghalib's Elegy.

If, at Journey's end, your vigil's prolonged by my dilatory ways
Recall, alone you ventured forth, bide alone a few more days.

Whether its rain can dissolve rock or my eyes are their own maze
My skull or your sepulchre will crack in a few more days

Just yesterday you came, not as a guest who forever stays
Why so fain to flee 'fore my plea for 'a few more days?'

Your parting jest was ever 'from now, till the End of Days!'
My Doom is now and forever, not in a few more days.

Yes, more than Endymion, Selene, Arif had a youthful face
Old Siren of the Skies, couldn't you wait a few more days?

He was our Moon of Eid, we feasted by his rays
Now our lifelong Lent knows but Ember days

My dear one, do you naively ask why Ghalib yet delays?
Death too is a desire at least for a few more days.

lāzim thā kih dekho mirā rastā koʾī din aur
tanhā gaye kyūñ ab raho tanhā koʾī din aur
miṭ jāʾegā sar gar tirā patthar nah ghisegā
hūñ dar pah tire nāṣiyah-farsā koʾī din aur
āye ho kal aur āj hī kahte ho kih jāʾūñ
mānā kih hameshah nahīñ achchhā koʾī din aur
jāte huʾe kahte ho qiyāmat ko mileñge
kyā ḳhūb qiyāmat kā hai goyā koʾī din aur
hāñ ay falak-e pīr javāñ thā abhī ʿārif
kyā terā bigaṛtā jo nah martā koʾī din aur
tum māh-e shab-e chār-duham the mire ghar ke
phir kyūñ nah rahā ghar kā vuh naqshā koʾī din aur
nādāñ ho jo kahte ho kih kyūñ jīte haiñ ġhālib
qismat meñ hai marne kī tamannā koʾī din aur

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