Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Happy VJ Day!

   Indian Independence Day, I have recently come to learn, is celebrated in the West as VJ Day.

  Manmohan (aka Man Mouse) Singh has departed from longstanding protocol- an unwarranted departure in my view- not by omitting to make some tasteful allusion to this happy coincidence when called upon, in his official capacity, to respond to routine felicitations from World leaders on August 14, but by congratulating them in a manner neither adequately effusive nor of mandated vociferousness, upon the shining splendor of their own Veejays that too, mealy mouthed little man that he is, only when 'geographically & gender appropriate'.

  As so often happens under this Administration, behind this sinister departure from hallowed Hindu tradition, we dismaying discern the fine Italian hand of Sonia Gandhi.

   Ramesh Jairam, on the other hand, far from being remiss in terms of offering VJ day felicitation to all and sundry, regardless of sex, just is a great big VJ, that's all. Actually, so is Chidambaram. But, spectacles on a VJ is always funny. Rahul Gandhi, please note.


  1. V-J day is celebrated on August 15 in the U.K and on Sept. 2 in U.S.A (sorce wikipedia).

  2. Celebrating Independence day really means a lot since it's day when we receive our freedom. Happy VJ Day!
