Thursday, 5 November 2009

Indira- the ultimate Gandhi- imbecility as apotheosis.

Indira's greatness lay in her seeing that Indian politicians- Gandhian, Marxist or Conservative-where all equally deluded, inconsequential and senile. Moreover, it didn't matter if Politics and Administration and the Judiciary lost all credibility. Government meant being Prime Minister. Not being Prime Minister was anarchy and communalism and just plain evil. Moreover, it was bad for the family. True, power like wealth tends to tear families apart but Dynasticism is still based on heredity-so that's got to be a good thing right? Anyway, with the advent of Indira we have the notion of dynasticism as protecting widows and orphans- fragile and moronic figures who wouldn't be able to fend for themselves in the real world.

Thus Dynastic politics is a route out of politics as being concerned with ideas. Yes the wind-bags are retained but the ideological direction from which the wind is blowing no longer matters since actually the windmills grind no corn and anyway that is like science and stuff and y'know we don't need that in India coz like Gandhi was so great and India very poor and y'know there's caste and minorities and stuff so on.
The Gandhi family's steady descent into imbecility- in terms of speechifying, not politicking- is a wholly welcome sign that Indian politics is moving back to its traditional ideal- viz lots of overlapping kingdoms (and anti-kingdoms), churches (and anti-churches) jungles (and anti-jungles) populated by a wide spectrum of Gods, demons, vampires, saints, kings, brigands etc. all yeasting away and celebrating their little Ashvamedha circuits through each others' territory and fighting their fraticidal little Kurukshetras and other such staples of history recycled as soap opera.
That's why Indian leaders are now dumb as shit.
It's wonderful.
Thanks must go to Indira for this.
By her legacy, the Gandhi name could finally fulfill its destiny as symbolizing a sort of celebrity without talent and position without achievement.The divorce between political discourse and pragmatic meaning became final.

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